Sunday, March 4, 2007

On Call and NO sleep

Last night was a very, very long night. I got to stay home, but the hospital was on the phone to me every few minutes. I got at least one call per hour and sometimes more. This makes for poor sleeping. I also had a Mom call me thru the answering service with complaints of "pelvic pressure" at 3a.m. Now, at 3a.m. I'm in my bed if I'm not labor sitting or catching so I have a hard time with someone who calls to wake me up to complain of pelvic pressure. What is she doing out of bed a that time? What is it she expects me to do about pelvic pressure at 3a.m. She assures me that she is not in labor, she has no cramping, no bleeding, yes, the baby is moving but she has so much pressure and is there anything she can do about this? EEEEEK In my most supportive and empathetic tone I reassure her that pelvic pressure is normal and that there is really very little she can do to decrease it. I encourage her to try being on her hands and knees to allow the baby to fall a little forward and out. She tells me she already tried it and it didn't work. Imagine that. Finally, I ask her when her next appointment at the office is and she tells me next week. I ask her to be sure and keep that appointment and we can talk about that pelvic pressure more at that visit. We say good bye and I again try and settle down to sleep, but no luck. The hospital calls again. I'm hoping for no labors tonight so I can sleep.

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