Friday, March 16, 2007

Nice births but not without challenges

Last night I did a birth with a long time client. She came in at 3 cm and spent a good hour to hour and a half in the jacuzzi and got out of the tub at 7 cm dilated, 100% and zero station. She had an incredible urge to push. I encouraged her to push only as much as felt good for her body. She did this, but we didn't get much change. Her cervix had a fat anterior lip and the baby was occiput posterior (looking at BirthMom's abdomen instead of her back). I had BirthMom squat, kneel, lay on her side, finally I had her kneel with a ball supporting her upper body. The baby rotated and descended beautifully. I hardly had time to get on my gloves before the baby delivered. BirthMom was on her knees leaning over the ball. Dad helped deliver the baby and cut the cord. It was beautiful and it was a girl. The first one for several generations in that family. Everyone was thrilled. Got home well after midnight, grabbed a bite, read the paper and went to bed. Got called in this morning early for a labor. My birth today was almost exactly the same as the one last night except that BirthMom wouldn't push on her hands and knees so we rolled over and she delivered in a more traditional birth position. Instead of the father helping deliver, her sister helped deliver the baby and cut the cord. This one was a little girl as well. I also had a c-section today. It was a repeat. Last baby was breech. This one was vertex but had a 14-1/2 inch head. Sent 3 people home today. Spent most all of the day at the hospital. Got home about 6:30p.m. Nice dinner with my honey, and now some rest. Hopefully, I get to stay home tonight.

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