Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Induction and a rant

Have a mom coming in tomorrow morning at 5a.m. for induction. She has had an unstable lie for weeks. Sometimes vertex, sometimes breech. I saw her today and scanned her. Baby is vertex but definitely not engaged!!!! She is 40 weeks 4 days. So tomorrow we will start pitocin and see if we can drive that little head down into the pelvis so that we can get this baby birthed. I'll let you know how it all comes out.

On a completely different note. What follows is a rant: I continue to be amazed at what people think they deserve. I have a BirthMom who is a 2 pack a day smoker, who missed half of her appointments was on bed rest and of course didn't stay down and she is now all worried that there is something wrong with her baby. Go figure. She honestly believes that she didn't do anything during this pregnancy that could possibly hurt her baby. I am so frustrated with the I have no personal responsibilities and everyone else is to blame for whatever happens mentality. Rant completed.

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