Thursday, August 28, 2008

It sure is quiet here.

We had a wonderful visit with our children and grandchildren and now our home is so very quiet. Our oldest daughter and her 4 children arrived on August 5th to spend 3 weeks with us. Her husband arrived later and spent a week with us. Our youngest daughter and her partner spent the first two weekends of THE VISIT with us and we spent the third weekend of THE VISIT with them at their home near Portland. We had a wild time mixed with days of work for me when I would really rather have been with them. We had great insights from the kids. We had the therapy of family togetherness. We managed to sew a fitting bodice for the upcoming wedding of our youngest daughter. We managed to make jam. We laughed, joked and were generally boisterous and loud. We played games, drank some wine, and decided that the world would totally be a better place if only everyone would do things our way. I delivered some babies. I did some prenatal care. I solved other people’s problems and wished I was home with the kids. Now, everyone is back to their respective homes, the laundry is done, the toys are mostly put away, and our home is sure quiet. I am already looking forward to May, 2009 and the wedding because then everyone will be together again. I hope we don't have to wait that long, but it is a possibility. I'm thinking chaos is a good thing.