Sunday, November 7, 2010


Sometimes, when I'm mostly rested, and have some time on my hands and the house is really quiet, I think about what it would be like to have littles in the house again.  I honestly do think about fostering, or adopting.  I.LOVE.MOTHERING!!!  I think about how I could work it so that I was still involved with littles, instead of the grown up versions.  I think about the noise and the chaos and the joy of discovery and learning.  I think about how proud I am of my littles who are now grown up and leading lives of their own.  I think I could do mothering littles again.  Then sanity takes over and I realize that I treasure my time with my partner.  I absolutely adore sleeping in.  I anticipate travel to far off places.  All these things taken into consideration, I'm pretty sure I'm right where I need to be at this time in my life.

1 comment:

elm said...

Maybe you could have a kind of service of some sort where you could enjoy some littles and explore the great outdoors or some paint on paper or a lovely story book and make hand puppets, or even mixing up a batch of cookies while the mamma went to the market or just to a little time to breathe her own oxygen!! Small, short bursts of little people... Where you could decide when, whom, how many, etc!!!

I like it! When do you start your new venture!??!