Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back to work

After a lovely vacay with the family in England and Scotland, I have returned to the land of the real. The good news is it has gone better than I expected. The bad news is that I still need to work. Our weather in Oregon has been no different than the weather abroad, rainy, windy, grey and interspersed with bits of sunshine. The office has been busy. I returned to find out that the computer in one of the exam rooms had died completely (hard drive failure) and so I have needed to carry in the lap top room to room. This works, except I need more battery power for the lap top than it has. By the end of the day - I have to carry the power cord and plug in. This is frustrating. So far, though, this has been my biggest frustration, and I'm O.K. with that. My midwife partner leaves tomorrow for vacation and she will be back in May - so it is a long stretch on call for me. Hopefully, I will not get too over tired, have terrible births, or deal with rude people.

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