Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time. . .Oh time, where does it go?

We were planning Thanksgiving the last time I wrote, and now we are thru Hannukah. Soon it will be 2010. This year has been full of births and babies as well as trial and tribulations. My work takes up a tremendous amount of my time. What time is left is often used up resting, dozing, and outright sleeping. I have this year been forced to learn new coping techniques in the workplace and although I am at last getting it figured out, it is still not very comfortable. I am naive when it comes to manipulation, mind control, and down right ugly human behaviors so it has taken me almost a year to realize that I'm not the one with the problem and I just need to focus on taking good care of the people who choose to see me and not worry about the ones who choose not to see me.

This year has been a wild one. In January I celebrated one year with a new knee. It still works great and does not pain me at all. From January to April I worked on a fitting bodice and then a wedding dress. It turned out beautifully. In May we married off our baby to a young man who appears to be good for her. They are talking making babies and we wish them good luck in this endeavor. In July we traveled by ocean liner Queen Mary 2) to England with our oldest daughter and her family. My first time out of the country. We had a glorious trip, but the flight home leaves something to be desired - sleep. Our home continues to be a place of peace and solitude where guests are always welcome. My work continues to take up too much time, but then I meet people out in the community for whom I have delivered children and some of them are 10 years old and growing up. Then, I realize that I got my wish and that was to live somewhere long enough to see the babies I delivered grow up. Then I realize that I will be 57 years old in 2010, and I don't see how that can be.

1 comment:

elm said...

OH - ICK!! to workplace fuss. I find the psychology of all that mess intriguing but of course frustrating when I actually see it going on around me and it effects me or people close to me.

Sounds like a busy year you had... and a fun one at that!!

A happy 2010 on its way!!