Saturday, May 30, 2009

Birth and Birth and Birth

I am on call for a prolonged period of time because my midwife partner (versus life partner) is out of town. I have had some wonderful births, some night terrors, and some that there is no way to describe. I am again feeling frustrations about patient choices and families. Again I am inducing (under pressure) a patient who is not yet ready to be delivered and it will probably end in a cesarean section. I am plagued by family who do not understand what is going on and want to know continuously why I am not doing something for her. Now, I AM doing something for her - she has pitocin running and that can only be increased slowly to prevent uterine rupture. I am shocked at how ignorant these families are and how they do not listen to my explanations. I do try to put my verbage at a 6th grade level, even that doesn't help. I get the patient pain control, per their request (an epidural), I ask the family to step out so she can sleep and rest after they see that she is comfortable. As soon as my back is turned (I'm out of the room dealing with something else) back into the room the family floods and the lights go on and the TV goes on and the patient is awake and not resting and the family wants to know when I'm going to DO something. ARGH

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