Sunday, December 30, 2007

Still catching up with EMR

All the ultrasound data for December is now entered. I added up the number of births that I did this year and it was 190 down from my high of 334 (2004) and up from my low of 138 (2001). Now all I have to do is get all the OB visits entered into the EMR prior to 1/2/08 when the office re-opens. My partner is on call these days, but I delivered almost everyone, so her days will probably be easy. I hope so. We are facing a big new year. I will be off for quite a while (12 weeks) due to knee replacement and she will be doing it all. I hope there is a practice for me to come back to when I'm healed from my knee. I keep seeing many requests for (partner's name) for care and delivery in the charts. If I'm not there working perhaps no one will want me to do their delivery.

1 comment:

OhMama said...

I think that the care and attention you devote to your clients will be PLENTY to keep your presence in the practice a necessity. Your midwife partner will be soooooo ready to have a break when you are able to come back, that I don't think you'll have a choice! ;)