Friday, August 10, 2007

Lifes little trials

So, my body is wearing out faster than my spirit. This is causing my spirit to wear out faster. A long time ago, in a world far far away, I hurt my knee. Now, some thirty years later, it needs replaced. This is all well and good, and we have the technology except. . . . .I work in the medical profession and knowing what goes on "in the business" contributes a tremendous amount of terror to my decision making. Do I have the work done locally where I can pick my anesthesiologist; do I go to a bigger hospital where they do more procedures but I don't know anyone but the surgeon. Do I choose the type of joint I want put in and then find a physician that does that type of joint; or do I choose the physician and go with whatever type of joint he/she uses? Do I go to a local hospital where I know the infection rate, and lots of the nurses and staff; do I go to an out of area hospital where I don't know anyone and they don't know me. Is the number of times a surgeon has performed an operation more important or does that matter once competence in the procedure is obtained? For that matter, how does the consumer determine competence in a surgeon? How does one find out the MRSA infection rate for a hospital? They sure don't broadcast that information at the hospital where I work. Who do you ask for the answers to these questions. How does one decide where to go for something as important as a knee replacement. I want to be able to walk again, hike again, run again, bike again. I want to actually reclaim my life and get back to doing more physical things again. How do I choose? All inputs welcome

1 comment:

minority midwife said...

I am just now finding your site, but I've been looking for something like it for a while now! I am going to go back and start at the beginning! Do you know of any other CNM bloggers?