Sunday, November 30, 2008

Family, Fun, Feasting = Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful holiday. We were invited to our daughter's home for Thanksgiving and we took the 3 hour drive up to their home after I got off work on Wednesday. We took them out for dinner that night. On Thursday, we got up and got to it! We had much work to do and we all pitched in and created a wonderful feast! We enjoyed working together to create our feast and then enjoyed eating our feast. It was marvelous to be together and have a great time creating a feast. We did everything from scratch and it makes me so proud that I am able to pass that knowledge on to my children and that they were receptive to learning about the art of cooking and creating. We stuffed ourselves and then we went for a walk to settle our dinners. Upon our return home we had pie and conversation. Then it was off to bed as Friday was a high stress day! We shopped for wedding dress fabric and were successful with that. I'm so pleased with what she chose. She will be a beautiful bride. Friday evening we had left overs and then pie, port, and chocolate. Fat and Happy pretty much describes all of us. Saturday the party started to dissolve and people returned to their own homes. All in all it was a wonderful holiday and as usual there is much for me to be thankful for and I am reminded how very blessed I am with my family, my health, and my life.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

On Call

I am on call this weekend and as usual behind in my paper charting. One of the items that never gets talked about in school the the overwhelming amount of charting that goes on for every patient. We document phone calls, we document in person visits, we document and document and document. It really gets old, because it takes time. My schedule is such that I am on call 2 days on, 2 days off, 3 days on (the weekend) then 2 days off, 2 days on, 3 days off (the weekend). Therefore, I am making an attempt to only bring stuff home to do every other weekend (the ones when I am on call). I always feel like I am just barely treading water to keep up. Alas, that is the way it goes - so back to charting.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I'm ready to retire. Now, the reality is that I will not be able to do this for a long time to come - probably 10 more years, but I am ready not to have to go to work every day. When I was off for my knee recovery, I thought I would go crazy, that did not happen. Instead, I did some work with photo shop. I sewed. I read. I got in shape physically and I got used to having my time dictated by my own timeline instead of punching the clock. Alas, I made a deal with my life mate and it is my 25 years to work, so retirement is absolutely out of the question. I really have it good. I love my work. I have a lot of autonomy. I think I'm good at what I do and except for the crazy hours it is pretty fun most of the time. I would love to travel, spend time with my kids and grand kids and generally lead an unfettered life. However, no work, no pay; no pay, no food, house, car, or clothing, so I think I have to go to work. I remind myself that I am fortunate that I have a job that challenges me both physically and mentally as well as emotionally. I am adequately rewarded for what I do (most of the time) and in times of economic distress, I am lucky to have a job.

On another note entirely, I love talking with my children and grand children. I talked with my daughter yesterday and my other daughter and some of my grandchildren today. It is always glorious to talk with them and find out what is going on and how their lives are progressing. They blog and I read their stories, but talking on the phone is so much more fun.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

An under lying rumble

This year has been one that has been filled with lots of stuff. Nothing hugely bad or life changing, just a constant undercurrent of stress. In January I had my knee replaced and although this was an active choice, it was not without some fears and worries. The knee replacement went great and then came the recovery. I started in physical therapy my first day home after the surgery. Boy was I out of shape.

I missed work for 12 weeks. Now, I don't know where my head was when I took time off from work, but it obviously was not on my clients. There is a serious bond between the care giver and the pregnant woman and when you are not there for 12 weeks the bond goes by the wayside and the pregnant women turn their allegiance to the person who is there. The result of this is that my census dropped off dramatically. I had some serious mental adjusting to do when I got back to the office because everyone did NOT want me to do their deliveries. I managed to wrap my head around that and get straightened out and continue on with work and begin to build up my census again. During this time I was served with papers from a former client and discovered that I am being sued. What a drag. I got thru 6 months of recovery and physical therapy and was feeling pretty good about life with the exception of the law suit.

Then it was my birthday and my purse was stolen while we were walking on the beach. Then there was all the chaos that goes with re-establishing one's identity while monitoring to be sure that no one else is trying to become me. That is on going, but at least we have credit cards again.

Last weekend was hectic at the hospital and I did 9 deliveries in one weekend. It was like the bad old days before I had a midwife partner.

This weekend was my weekend off call and so I procrastinated about doing my stuff and Sunday came. I got up and worked out and then my partner and I walked down the hill to pick up the Sunday paper and when we returned one of our old trees had lost a giant limb and it had fallen across the deer fence, crushing it. Now, we own a chain saw but on this occasion we could not get it to work. We sawed and sawed and sawed by hand and made some progress but were no where near getting the tree off the fence when a neighbor from up the hill a ways drove by and stated that he had a chain saw that we could use. He went home and brought his saw down and in just a matter of under an hour the fence was freed and we were able to tack it back up to keep the deer out of our garden.

Then it was into the house for a shower and work, except I didn't really feel like working and so was not very productive. So as I look back over the past year I see that there has been a constant rumble. Nothing that makes me say life sucks, but I am surely aware that I need to be positive, functional, and up beat because if I am not I could easily get overwhelmed.