I turned 55 this month and my partner and I went to the coast for a get away weekend of camping and walking on the beach. We drove the 2-1/2 hours to the campground we picked, paid our fee, set up our tent and headed for a walk on the beach. This is a beach we have visited before and love because of the surf on the rocks and the sand. We parked the car, I got out my camera and clipped it to my belt loop. We put my purse in the trunk and locked the car. Off we went for a walk on the beach. We walked and talked for a while generally enjoying the peace of the ocean sounds and the company of one another. We don't get away too often because of my job so when we have a chance, it is really special. This was a premier weekend because it was my 55th birthday. We walked and talked and it started to get cool so we headed back to the parking lot and the car to get more clothes and our picnic dinner. As we came up the stairs we saw the car and my thought was "Did I leave my window open? What a ding dong." My partner said "Shit, someone has broken into our car." He was right on. They busted out the front passenger window. Now the interesting thing is that they didn't ran sack the whole car. They took my bag from the floor of the front seat - it contained my current hand work project (knitting) two extra skeins of yarn and several crochet hooks. They briefly looked into the glove compartment (this I know because the wind up emergency flash light was in the floor). They popped the trunk from the inside and took my purse. That is it. They left the wine, the geocacheing bag and accessories (thank goodness), the rest of the camping gear, etc. So we drive up the coast to the next little town and ask for the police department and are told that there isn't one in town that I will need to call the county sheriff. I get the number and do this. The sheriff's office tells me that they don't answer those calls that I need to talk with the state patrol. So, I call the state patrol and get a very polite officer who tells me that they will send some paperwork to my home for me to fill out and send back. She also informs me that this happens all the time and I need to be sure to cancel all my credit cards and notify everyone of the theft. Great!! This is not an easy task, because of course my cell phone is in my purse, as is my cash (and everything else)! I start to try and reconstruct the contents of my purse. We start calling credit card companies and canceling cards - it gets dark and subsequently cold. We get cold. We feel sick. We call every card I can think of. We go back to the campground, break camp, load the car and drive the 2-1/2 hours home. We get on the computer and do more checking. I am now truly mortified. I have given away (by virtue of the fact that the thief has the contents of my purse) my life and livelihood. The thief has my address, my phone number, my social security number, my children's names and information, my professional affiliations and licenses, etc, etc, etc. So now a new crisis evolves - that of attempting to stop identity theft. I also have to have the window on my car replaced. My credit cards re-issued. I must also continually be on guard now for someone who wants to become me or at least get loans, purchase goods, or establish credit for which I will be expected to pick up the tab. I also have to be concerned about leaving my home unattended. This truly sucks. I am saddened by the fact that my fellow travelers in this universe feel that robbery is OK. I am upset at myself for taking my purse on a camping trip. I am generally frustrated and sickened.