We had our anniversary last weekend. I was on call and at the hospital for part of the weekend. While there I shared with the nurses that it was my 34th wedding anniversary. I was asked how I made it last. Further thoughts on that question brought up the following key points:
1) NEVER go to bed mad.
2) Be best friends before you become lovers.
3) Most importantly - Don't attribute to malice what can be accounted for by pure stupidity.
This weekend I'm not on call!!!! I am so happy to be off. Today I had a nice day with my husband and we just worked around the house and did a bit of shopping. It was productive and peaceful. What a pleasure. I've had some really nice births recently and have been rewarded with some less hectic times in the office as well. The biggest stress in my life is the fact that my professional licenses are up for renewal soon and I need continuing education. Thank goodness for the Internet - I can do classes there and keep up with the world at large. Our grandchildren are coming tomorrow and will be staying with us for 1 month. I'm so excited. The down side is that I have to continue to work during the day. Too bad for me, but I'll be home in the evenings.